
Casseroles debout, the new way to be heard in Grenoble

Casseroles debout, the new way to be heard in Grenoble

SLIDE – AUDIO – Protestors against the Labour law are making a lot of noise these days, but the State conti­nues to turn a deaf ear. Desperate times call for des­pe­rate mea­sures. On Friday, 17 June 2016, many groups of people, equip­ped with sau­ce­pans, assem­bled in front of town halls, all over France. There were more than 60 people out­side the Grenoble town hall.

Saucepans, frying pans and spoons were joyously ban­ged toge­ther, on Friday 17th June, in front of French town halls, on the stroke of 7:30 pm. Baptised “Casseroles Debout”, the action was, once again, aimed against “the Labour law and eve­ry­thing sur­roun­ding it”. Where did the idea come from ? It hap­pe­ned during a mee­ting of the move­ment, Nuit Debout, in Nantes. It then spread like wild­fire, across the rest of the France. In just two weeks, 500 gathe­rings were organised.

Festive, joy­ful and good-natu­red… in appearance

In Grenoble, over 60 par­ti­ci­pants respon­ded to the invi­ta­tion. Among the pan-players, young people, even youn­ger people and, of course, those fai­th­ful to Nuit Debout Grenoble, like Françoise. She took a num­ber of her own pots and pans with her, to lend to those who came empty-handed.

The event was fes­tive, joy­ful and good-natu­red… in appea­rance, because slo­gans heard over the micro­phone were less ten­der : “P like pourri (rot­ten), S like salaud (bas­tard). Down with the PS (Socialist Party)!” ; “Everything is for us. Nothing is for them. All that they have, they stole!” ; “Who are the thugs ? They are the thugs!” or “the people uni­ted will never be defeated.”

Christian, a Franco-Italian artist, pas­sing through Grenoble, heard about the event on social net­wor­king. “I wan­ted to bang a pan too. I think it’s great to see all these ini­tia­tives relea­sing the people from years of silence and hope­less­ness. I sup­port all of the events orga­ni­sed by Nuit Debout, in cri­ti­cism of this world, where human rights are lost…”

One participant’s testimony :

“A concert of pans to make a noise and wake up our poli­ti­cians. Because we are still against the Labour law and eve­ry­thing sur­roun­ding it, we conti­nue to fight against their lies, and this is ano­ther form of action. We are doing a lot of things, dif­ferent things, and we will conti­nue, we will be crea­tive. The pan ban­ging is ano­ther way to make noise, while being very quiet, and it’s great, this pan-chi­ming, it has brought us all toge­ther. As usual this didn’t come from us, it was Nuit Debout that laun­ched the idea, which came from someone, somew­here else in France. It spread very qui­ckly and it was very nice to see the events map, the Casseroles debout map of France, bloom this week ; now it has spread all-over. We said 8 p.m. in front of the town halls, and here we are. You can hear it, you can see it, the mobi­li­za­tion is still there, so yes, I believe that it is very strong, and what hap­pens bet­ween the people who take part is also strong. They have crea­ted some­thing unintentionally.”

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After the action, which ended around 9 p.m., the par­ti­ci­pants sha­red their impres­sions. “Casseroles debout gave us strength ! It could bring new life to the move­ment”, wel­co­med the group. “We were not very many, but we dis­tri­bu­ted quite a lot of flyers.”

Yuliya Ruzhechka (pho­tos) and Séverine Cattiaux (text and audio)

Traduction from Speak English Center

Phone : +33 4 76 50 39 79

1 ave­nue du Vercors, 38600 Fontaine FRANCE



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