Halloween pumpskins party in Grenoble

Happy Halloween in Grenoble !

Happy Halloween in Grenoble !

School is out and it’s Halloween week ! This year, Halloween falls on a Friday, the best pos­sible time to indulge in the spi­rit of this haun­ted holi­day and have fun !

While France may not be the big­gest fol­lo­wer of this ancient pagan tra­di­tion, Grenoble and the area offer many acti­vi­ties to cele­brate the spoo­kiest day of the year.

Join the party !

Halloween pumpskins party in Grenoble

Halloween – DR

In my years in San Francisco, Halloween was a huge deal.

Stores, bars, res­tau­rants, streets, homes, the entire city was tur­ned orange and black and it wasn’t over the Giants !

Everyone, young and old gets exci­ted over the anti­ci­pa­tion and pre­pa­ra­tion of this natio­nal holi­day. Let’s see, a day when the entire coun­try is dres­sing up in outra­geous attire, unlea­shing their wild side while gob­bling sweets ? Hmmm, yes please !

While the tra­di­tions of french catho­li­cism do cele­brate the day of the dead, the spi­rit remains more reli­gious and Halloween cele­bra­tions never spread quite like they did in the UK or the USA.

Fantasy and folk­lore of All Hallows

Virtually all present Halloween tra­di­tions can be tra­ced to ancient Celtic day of the dead. It’s a holi­day of many mys­te­rious cus­toms and each one has a history.

Halloween pumpskins moon children castle party in Grenoble

Halloween – DR

Druids were accus­to­med to burn sacred fires on the eve of Nov. 1, pos­si­bly to ward off evil spi­rits, as in the popu­lar ima­gi­na­tion this has always been consi­de­red the high car­ni­val sea­son for witches and fairies.

According to their calen­dar, the year began on a day cor­res­pon­ding to November 1st on our present calen­dar. The date mar­ked the begin­ning of winter.

Since they were pas­to­ral people, it was a time when cat­tle and sheep had to be moved to clo­ser pas­tures and all live­stock had to be secu­red for the win­ter months.

The fes­ti­val orga­ni­zed at this time was cal­led Samhain (pro­noun­ced Sah-ween). It was the big­gest and most signi­fi­cant holi­day of the Celtic year. The Celts belie­ved that at the time of Samhain, the ghosts of the dead were able to mingle with the living, because the souls of those who had died during the year tra­ve­led into the other­world on that par­ti­cu­lar day.

People gathe­red to sacri­fice ani­mals, fruits, and vegetables.

Time to celebrate

In present times, the ori­gi­nal pur­pose of these cele­bra­tions has somew­hat vani­shed but we held on and adap­ted the folk­lore to our modern city lives.

Halloween pumpskins candles party in Grenoble

Halloween – DR

Browsing the inter­net for spe­cial Grenoble acti­vi­ties for Halloween, I found many exci­ting ini­tia­tives for all ages from going on sweet hunts at La Bastille (see Acrobastille web­site) to events in local bars, res­tau­rants and even a light show at the Sassenage Les Cuves caves.

Halloween is about crea­ting fan­tasy, beco­ming a super hero or a Belle de Jour for a day, gathe­ring with friends, sha­ring great food, good vibes and wel­co­ming the upco­ming win­ter sea­son so whe­ther you cele­brate at home or on the streets, don’t miss a time when it’s socially sanc­tion­ned to wear a cos­tume, crazy make-up, carve out pump­kins with friends, bake deli­cious pump­kin pies, go trick-or-trea­ting around the neigh­bo­rhood with the kids and show off your wild side…

Happy Halloween !

We want to know how you cele­bra­ted ! Please share your ideas, recipes, pho­tos and comments !

Cécile Boussier



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