
Cellule cancéreuse du poumon © Anne Weston LRI-CRUK Wellcome-Images

CANCER : Major Advances in Grenoble

CANCER : Major Advances in Grenoble

A team wor­king on lung can­cer at the Albert Bonniot Institute in Grenoble has dis­co­ve­red that aggres­sive tumors are trig­ge­red by the acti­va­tion of spe­ci­fic genes asso­cia­ted with sper­ma­to­zoa. A dis­co­very that could lead to bet­ter unders­tan­ding and treat­ment for aggres­sive cancers.
Cellule cancéreuse du poumon © Anne Weston LRI-CRUK Wellcome-Images

Cellule can­cé­reuse du pou­mon © Anne Weston LRI-CRUK Wellcome-Images

The scien­tists from the Albert Bonniot Institute* in Grenoble focu­sed on often fatal aggres­sive tumors in order to bet­ter unders­tand what sets them off. The key to this aggres­si­ve­ness was found in the genes contai­ned in each cell. Specifically, in genes which should be inac­tive and were abnor­mally activated.
These inac­tive genes gene­rally func­tion in other tis­sues or organs and trig­ge­ring them in the wrong place causes their cell, and thus the tumor, to become extre­mely aggres­sive. Sophie Rousseaux, head of research at the Inserm, explains that : « in the case of lung can­cer, we were able to iden­tify 26 genes that were asso­cia­ted with very aggres­sive tumors. »
In order to iden­tify these 26 genes out of 25,000 pos­si­bi­li­ties, the scien­tists had to nar­row their focus to the genes asso­cia­ted with the pro­duc­tion of sper­ma­to­zoa and ova.
Sophie Rousseaux et Saadi Khochbin. ©P.Cerinsek

Sophie Rousseaux et Saadi Khochbin. ©P.Cerinsek

Sophie Rousseaux and Saadi Khochbin, head of research at the CNRS, have been trying to unders­tand the mole­cu­lar mecha­nisms of sperm cells for seve­ral years. The link bet­ween these cells and can­cer cells lies in the fact that « can­cer cells have the capa­city to move, lea­ving one area to set­tle in ano­ther,« explains Khochbin, « and this is a cha­rac­te­ris­tic only sha­red with the sperm cell. »
Predicting and unders­tan­ding the danger
« All cells share the same genes, but each cell uses only cer­tain genes. » says Rousseaux. « This is what defines a tis­sue’s iden­tity and func­tion. » Trouble starts when genes wake up in cells where they should be asleep. In almost every sort of can­cer, scien­tists have dis­co­ve­red seve­ral dozen abnor­mally trig­ge­red genes that are spe­ci­fic to the pro­duc­tion of ova and spermatozoa.
Scientists were able to fol­low 300 lung can­cer patients and study 1,700 tumors thanks to a data­base on lung can­cer, com­pi­led by the lung spe­cia­list, Christian Brambilla, and the ana­to­mic patho­lo­gist, Elisabeth Brambilla, at the Grenoble CHU (Hospital).
L'Institut Albert Bonniot à Grenoble.

L’Institut Albert Bonniot à Grenoble.

A data­base that offe­red a gold mine of infor­ma­tion for resear­chers at the Albert Bonniot Institute. « In the case of lung can­cer, when none of the 26 iden­ti­fied genes were active, 80% of patients lived after three years. » says Rousseaux.
However, – acti­vate these genes – and the sur­vi­val rate plum­mets to zero.
Following these results, American and Korean resear­chers, among others, fol­lo­wed up on French research and confir­med these fin­dings. With this new infor­ma­tion, doc­tors will be able to adapt their diag­nos­tics and treatment.
« These aggres­sive tumors have the par­ti­cu­la­rity of being invi­sible to the orga­nism’s defenses, » says Khochbin. « But these tumors also become dependent on their abnor­mal genes. If we can neu­tra­lize these genes, then we can kill the mali­gnant cells. »
This dis­co­very is impor­tant not only for lung can­cer, but for all types of can­cer. « We del­ved spe­ci­fi­cally into lung can­cer, but these types of aber­ra­tions cha­rac­te­rize all types of can­cer » explains Khochbin. This has ope­ned the door to future work and scien­tists are already resear­ching the impli­ca­tions for lymphoma.
Patricia Cerinsek
Translation by Jeremy Burns-Rupp

(*) The team brings toge­ther resear­chers from the CNRS, Inserm, and Joseph Fourier University, as well as cli­ni­cal and ana­to­mic patho­logy doc­tors from the Grenoble CHU (Hospital). Support was pro­vi­ded by the « Institut natio­nal du Cancer », the « Ligue natio­nale contre le Cancer », and the « fon­da­tion ARC pour la recherche sur le cancer ».

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