Forage en Antarctique en décembre 2013 : le changement climatique à la loupe des carottes de glace. Crédit Jérôme Chappellaz CNRS/LGGE

Cop21-UGA : Grenoble mobi­li­zed for the climate

Cop21-UGA : Grenoble mobi­li­zed for the climate

FOCUS – Ahead of the inter­na­tio­nal confe­rence on cli­mate change, sche­du­led for December in Paris, resear­chers from Grenoble are mobi­li­zing. Scientists, eco­no­mists, even a poli­ti­cal scien­tist and a lin­guist, from a group cal­led Cop21-UGA, have offe­red to dis­cuss, debate and illu­mi­nate the field of cli­mate change. The next mee­ting will be held on 28th April, 2015.

Drilling in Antarctica December 2013: details about climate change found in ice cores. © Photo by Jérôme Chappellaz CNRS/LGGE

Drilling in Antarctica December 2013 : details about cli­mate change found in ice cores. © Jérôme Chappellaz CNRS/LGGE

Will 2015 be a key year for inter­na­tio­nal cli­mate nego­tia­tions ? In December, at the 21st Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention (Cop 21), people from nearly 200 coun­tries will come toge­ther in Paris, to dis­cuss mea­sures to limit cli­mate change.

A tar­get date has been set by the par­ties, to reach a new agree­ment that will take effect in 2020, aiming to limit ave­rage glo­bal war­ming to 2° C. After the signing of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and Copenhagen’s fai­lure in 2009, Paris har­bours many hopes…

Grenoble mobi­li­zed by Cop21-UGA

In the mean­time, resear­chers are mobi­li­zing, espe­cially in Grenoble, where a group cal­led Cop21-UGA (Université Grenoble Alpes) has for­med a wor­king group ; it has solid refe­rences, since about ten Grenoble labo­ra­to­ries contri­bu­ted to the last IPCC report.

Thus, scien­tists, eco­no­mists, even a poli­ti­cal scien­tist and a lin­guist, from labo­ra­to­ries and schools in Grenoble, pro­vide year-round pers­pec­tives on the scien­ti­fic, tech­ni­cal and socio-eco­no­mic issues indu­ced by cli­mate change, by offe­ring confe­rences and debates.

Program : impacts of cli­mate change on water, bio­di­ver­sity and cli­mate change, the eco­nomy of cli­mate poli­cies, the scope and legal effects of the Paris Protocol… The next confe­rence in English will be held on 28th April, 2015 at 12:30pm, in the grounds of the Saint-Martin-d’Hères uni­ver­sity, in the Weil amphi­theatre. The theme of the confe­rence, chai­red by Paul Leadley, coor­di­na­tor of the “Biodiversity” chap­ter of the IPCC wor­king group II : “Biodiversity and cli­mate change : main mes­sages from and key chal­lenges for IPCC and IPBES assessments”.

Find more infor­ma­tion about all plan­ned mee­tings in 2015, concer­ning the cli­mate, in Grenoble and the Rhône-Alpes, on the Cop21-UGA web­site.

Patricia Cerinsek

Patricia Cerinsek


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