Gaurishankar Project 2013 : Nepal climbing

Four moun­tai­neers clim­bing the sum­mit of the Gaurishankar

Four moun­tai­neers clim­bing the sum­mit of the Gaurishankar

Four high moun­tain guides from Grenoble, Chamonix and Briançon have just ope­ned a route on the vir­gin sou­thern side of the Gaurishankar, in the Himalayan mas­sif. A real achie­ve­ment rea­li­sed by the small team, who left on the 10th of September.

Gaurishankar Project 2013 : Nepal climbingMathieu Détrie, Pierre Llabre, Mathieu Maynadier and Jérôme Para have rea­ched the sum­mit of the Gaurishankar, loca­ted at 23,405 feet high, early in the mor­ning, on wed­nes­day the 23rd of October. This is the second higher sum­mit of the Rolwaling Hima, along the Nepal-Tibet border.
The expe­di­tion has ini­tially been very dis­tur­bed by dread­ful wea­ther condi­tions, which tur­ned out to various unsuc­cess­ful attempts before the final assault to the summit.
The team will be back to France around the 30th of October.
As a remin­der, the sum­mit of the Gaurishankar has only been clim­bed once in 1979 by John Roskelley and Dorje Sherpalen, after being reco­gni­zed by Claude Kogan and Raymond Lambert in 1954.
More details on the Facebook page of the Gaurishankar pro­ject 2013’s team (in French).
Translation by Sandra Bailly, Translator / Desktop Publishing specialist 
Phone : +33 (0)6 95 87 15 27 – email : sandra.bailly79 [at] gmail​.com



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