policier municipaux devant une poubelle à Grenoble - DR

Urban sani­ta­tion : Grenoble to pro­ceed with verbalization

Urban sani­ta­tion : Grenoble to pro­ceed with verbalization

PREVIEW – Canine excre­ment, ille­gal dum­ping of bulky waste, aban­do­ned on the street… Faced with the rise of this anti-social beha­viour, the city of Grenoble has deci­ded to pro­ceed with ver­ba­li­za­tion. The chal­lenge : to improve the sani­ta­tion of the streets, des­pite the decli­ning enrolment in ser­vices dedi­ca­ted to maintenance.

How can we ensure the sani­ta­tion of the city, when faced with rising anti-social beha­viour and a decrea­sing num­ber of main­te­nance wor­kers ? Grenoble might have found the solu­tion to this com­plex pro­blem : ver­ba­li­za­tion. A pro­ject is, in any case, in the pipe­lines of the new muni­ci­pa­lity, which is pre­pa­ring to launch a huge ver­ba­li­za­tion cam­paign, in order to improve urban sanitation.

policier municipaux devant une poubelle à Grenoble - DR

Municipal Police in Grenoble. DR

If Grenoble’s elec­ted offi­cials and the concer­ned depart­ment heads did not wish to speak before any offi­cial announ­ce­ments on the topic, ter­ri­to­rial union repre­sen­ta­tives have, them­selves, been more voluble.

Anti-social beha­viour on the rise

Keeping the city clean. The chal­lenge is daun­ting, because the urban sani­ta­tion work­force are facing an increase in anti­so­cial beha­viour on the part of citi­zens. « All the waste just dum­ped in this way – like the bulky waste that we aren’t res­pon­sible for – has a huge impact », deplores Lilian Dejean, Grenoble urban sani­ta­tion agent and CGT delegate.

Poubelle Je Trie. © Elodie Rummelhard - placegrenet.fr

Illegal dum­ping of waste in front of a buried sor­ting contai­ner, in the Saint Laurent area. © Elodie Rummelhard – pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

« Not coun­ting the contai­ners that are put out seve­ral days before col­lec­tion day, the burnt out cars and bro­ken bus stop win­dows already dis­rupt the orga­ni­za­tion we are trying to implement. »

Cherif Boutafa, secre­tary of Isere’s Force depart­men­tal wor­king group, also adds « people just throw rub­bish out of the win­dow or empty their bins anyw­here, even in the glass containers. »

Faced with this upsurge in anti-social beha­viour, the urban sani­ta­tion ser­vice is see­king the sup­port of the city.

A request, which the muni­ci­pa­lity seems to have ans­we­red, with the announ­ced ver­ba­li­za­tion of recor­ded acts of anti-social beha­viour. « We don’t know pre­ci­sely when this will be imple­men­ted, but it will hap­pen soon », assures Lilian Dejean.

Verbalization will focus on three areas, says the CGT : “Dumping, fai­lure to com­ply with the rules in the food mar­kets – such as late depar­tures that impede clea­ning – and, of course, dog excre­ment”. However, to find out the rates of fines and the num­ber of muni­ci­pal offi­cials who will be in charge of ver­ba­li­za­tion, we will have to wait.

Do bet­ter… with less manpower

It must be said that on top of the increa­sing anti-social beha­viour, the ser­vices face other chal­lenges, inclu­ding a decrease in resources. « Even though being an agent of urban sani­ta­tion is a thank­less job, with a huge lack of consi­de­ra­tion, we have always advo­ca­ted a qua­lity ser­vice, and we have always been able to adapt to dif­ferent muni­ci­pa­li­ties and direc­tors », assures Lilian Dejean.

Agent de la propreté urbaine de Grenoble. © Ville de Grenoble

A sani­ta­tion wor­ker, broom in hand. © Ville de Grenoble

In fact, adap­ta­tion is the key-word facing the restruc­tu­ring of human resources employed by the new muni­ci­pa­lity in all muni­ci­pal ser­vices ; urban sani­ta­tion is no exception.

According to Lilian Dejean, a work­force of 180 cur­rently pro­vides this ser­vice. Although these posi­tions are not at risk, there are pro­vi­sio­nally ano­ther 30 posts to fill, and there have been for the past year ; howe­ver, the city is prac­ti­cing the sup­pres­sion of auto­ma­tic recourse in employing repla­ce­ment and back-up workers.

« Replacements are nee­ded in times of long-term ill­ness or trai­ning per­iods, for example, and back-up wor­kers are nee­ded during the sum­mer and autumn per­iods, for the col­lec­tion of leaves,” he said.

Disruption of services

The conse­quences of such deci­sions are felt at both ends of the chain, both by the wor­kers, and the users. « Residents either directly com­plain to the wor­kers or their local elec­ted repre­sen­ta­tive, or they call the hot­line, which was set up by the City », states Cherif Boutafa.

Feuilles mortes à l'entrée du Jardin de Ville de Grenoble. © Elodie Rummelhard - placegrenet.fr

Rubbish dum­ped at the entrance of the Grenoble City Gardens. © Elodie Rummelhard – pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

Still, the com­plaints are not always jus­ti­fied, he said. « They com­plain about dog excre­ment and the lack of rub­bish bins on the streets… they say they do not see enough City employees on their street and it is not done every day, whe­reas our col­leagues do pass. »

Lilian Dejean ack­now­ledges, howe­ver, the impact of these reforms on the fre­quency of pas­sage. « The lack of jobs mainly concerns tech­ni­cal wor­kers, which has redu­ced the fre­quency of pas­sage. We feel it even more during public holidays. »

Homme qui nettoie les rails du tram à Grenoble. © Elodie Rummelhard - placegrenet.fr

Cleaning up the Grenoble tram lines. © Elodie Rummelhard – pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

The urban sani­ta­tion plan (PPU) esta­bli­shed under the for­mer muni­ci­pa­lity is indeed disor­ga­ni­zed says the CGT. « The PPU aims to put the resources where they are nee­ded, ins­tead of sprea­ding them out evenly everywhere. »

A mini­mum and maxi­mum pas­sage fre­quency has, the­re­fore, been esta­bli­shed, by dis­trict. “It could go from one to fif­teen weekly pas­sages, depen­ding on the neigh­bou­rhood. There was a repass sys­tem, nota­bly in the town centre and in neigh­bou­rhoods such as Mistral, Villeneuve, Teisseire and Léon Jouhaux, where we pas­sed seve­ral times in the same day », recalls Lilian Dejean.

« And for the col­lec­tion of leaves, which was not inclu­ded in the PPU, we rely hea­vily on reinforcements. »

Inform, edu­cate then verbalize

Will there be an awa­re­ness cam­paign, before repri­man­ding begins ? Not exactly accor­ding to Lilian Dejean. « The prio­rity is to inform people, to put the means in place for people to play the game, and only then, to iden­tify the anti-social behaviour. »

Affichette anonyme dénonçant les désagréments causés par les déjections canines dans la rue Génissieu. © Florent Matthieu - placegrenet.fr

Anonymous flyer denoun­cing the incon­ve­nience cau­sed by dog​excre­ment on Rue Génissieu. © Florent Matthieu – pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

Attached to popu­lar edu­ca­tion methods, Cherif Boutafa remains convin­ced that awa­re­ness cam­pai­gns must be repea­ted each year, espe­cially when it comes to dog excre­ment. The City has set up over 150 dogs spaces, equip­ped with col­lec­tion bag dis­tri­bu­tors. Distributors have also been pla­ced in other stra­te­gic places around the territory.

« Dog owners tend to aban­don their sense of civic res­pon­si­bi­lity very qui­ckly. Within the city’s urban sani­ta­tion ser­vice, there is a canine edu­ca­tor, offe­ring dog hand­ling and beha­viour trai­ning, as well as sani­ta­tion awa­re­ness trai­ning, free of charge.”

Surely more per­sua­sive than the pre­vious actions, ver­ba­li­za­tion would be an addi­tio­nal way to change the beha­viour of some people, com­ple­men­ting the work of agents. Lilian Dejean goes on to say that “Grenoble is the dri­ver and pilot of sani­ta­tion at a natio­nal level in many projects. »

Parc à chiens qui est situé rue des arts à Grenoble avec un chien à côté. © Elodie Rummelhard - placegrenet.fr

Rue des arts, in Grenoble. © Elodie Rummelhard – pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

In terms of ver­ba­li­za­tion, she seems to be in tune with the times, many French cities having recently adop­ted simi­lar mea­sures, such as Évian-les-Bains and Perpignan. As for the city of Paris, it intends to imple­ment mas­sive ver­ba­li­za­tion from October, after making a net increase in fines.

In any case, it will be a dif­fi­cult task for sworn per­son­nel. But, for a good rea­son : it will catch offen­ders red-han­ded… Will the mea­sures be wel­co­med by inha­bi­tants ? Will they be sys­te­ma­tic and truly deterrent ? Response in the coming months.

Delphine Chappaz

Traduction from Speak English Center

Phone : +33 4 76 50 39 79

1 ave­nue du Vercors, 38600 Fontaine FRANCE



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