Grenoble va la première expérimenter la pastille anti-pollution. En fonction de sa couleur, les véhicules pourront plus ou moins librement circuler.Quel impact ont eu les interdictions de circulation sur la pollution à Grenoble ? Faible. Et pour cause, le dispositif n'a pas vraiment été respecté...

Anti-pol­lu­tion discs to arrive in the Grenoble metro­po­lis in November

Anti-pol­lu­tion discs to arrive in the Grenoble metro­po­lis in November

FOCUS – The anti-pol­lu­tion disc will be tes­ted in Grenoble from November. Not only in Grenoble, but also in Voironnais and Grésivaudan, all vehicles will have to dis­play the cor­rect colou­red disc, in order to be able to cir­cu­late freely during peak pol­lu­tion periods.

Grenoble will be the first city to take part in the expe­riment. The cer­ti­fi­cates of air qua­lity, more com­monly known as anti-pol­lu­tion discs, will be imple­men­ted from November 2015. Along with Strasbourg, unk­no­win­gly elec­ted, Grenoble is about to test the disc that, accor­ding to its colour, will open or close the city gates to vehicles.

Une personne tient une nouvelle pastille Crit'air catégorie 4 devant un véhicule diesel polluant. © Montage : Paul Turenne -

The new disc in front of a pol­lu­ting die­sel vehicle. © Paul Turenne – pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

Parking and traf­fic cal­ming mea­sures are to be imple­men­ted, during peaks in pol­lu­tion levels ; the expe­riment will last for two months, up to the end of the year. « The idea is to gra­duate the mea­sures », says Yann Mongaburu, vice pre­sident in charge of metro­po­li­tan tra­vel. « Today, it’s ‘all or nothing’ and we need to take non-concer­ted action ! »

The idea is also to anti­ci­pate pol­lu­tion peaks. For example, limi­ting the maxi­mum speed on motor­ways to 70 km/h before the pol­lu­tion level increases, and not three days later…

No disc for pre-2006 die­sel and pre-1997 petrol vehicles

Following the minis­ter’s green light, the agglo­me­ra­tion was given one month to fina­lize its mea­sures. But already, some vehicles should be left in the garage…

Pastille auto à Grenoble : expérimentée dès l'automne 2015

Anti-pol­lu­tion discs to arrive in the Grenoble metro­po­lis in November

In Grenoble, the discs are sepa­ra­ted into seven colours, ran­king them from the least to the most pol­lu­tant vehicles. Top of the class ? The elec­tric vehicle. Bad stu­dents ? Diesel vehicles regis­te­red before 2006 and petrol vehicles from before 1997. These represent 30% of vehicles and do not even have the right to a disc…

Punishment ? Alternative mea­sures will be put in place, such as free public trans­port during high pol­lu­tion per­iods, but once again, eve­ry­thing is anticipation.

In a few days, all vehicle owners in the Grenoble area, as well as in Voironnais and Grésivaudan, will receive a disc in their mail­box, free of charge, com­plete with an expla­na­tion about the device

Lyon moto­rists pro­hi­bi­ted to circulate

The others ? What about dri­vers from Lyon, among others, who have not yet tes­ted the disc them­selves, in their own region ? “The disc is a kind of appro­val to cir­cu­late”, resumes Yann Mongaburu. “Those who don’t have it will not be able to circulate.”

Yann Mongaburu président écologiste du SMTC en entretien sur la terrasse du Café de la table ronde à Grenoble © Paul Turenne -

Yann Mongaburu, vice pre­sident in charge of metro­po­li­tan tra­vel. © Paul Turenne – pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

All that remains is to enforce the device. How ? The cho­sen action is at best vague. “The ques­tion is not to punish ; sanc­tion is not the aim of the ope­ra­tion. It is to help the citi­zens to take up the chal­lenge. They do not unders­tand our inac­tion, but moto­rists are the first vic­tims of pollution.”

As well as being tes­ted in the metro­po­li­tan area, Voironnais and Grésivaudan will also be concer­ned. To the north and south of Grenoble, mea­sures will also be implemented.

This device will not appeal to eve­ryone, but per­haps it will prevent his­tory repea­ting itself. Indeed, in November 2012, schools had to can­cel cross coun­try run­ning in Grenoble, because of pollution.

Patricia Cerinsek

Traduction from Speak English Center

Phone : +33 4 76 50 39 79

1 ave­nue du Vercors, 38600 Fontaine FRANCE

Patricia Cerinsek


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