Moustique Tigre.

The tiger mos­quito : a loo­ming epidemic ?

The tiger mos­quito : a loo­ming epidemic ?

With soc­cer fans retur­ning from Brazil, should we be concer­ned about a dengue epi­de­mic ? Conveyed by the Tiger Mosquito, the virus has health autho­ri­ties on the watch over the lack of vac­cine or treat­ment to this day. The mos­quito, swift to expand on French ter­ri­tory, is already at home in Isere and the Department has issued a red alert. It was first spot­ted in 2013, throu­ghout six dis­tricts around Grenoble.
A female tiger mosquito filled with blood

DR A female tiger mos­quito filled with blood

The Tiger mos­quito thrives on sum­mer days. Since it was first repor­ted in Menton in 2014, Aedes Albopictus has been on the move and pro­pa­ga­ted over 18 Departments, among which Isere, set on red alert*, where sur­veillance acti­vi­ties were reinforced.

At home in Isere since 2011
The lit­tle biter was intro­du­ced in the Department in 2011 and repor­ted over 5 com­munes of Isere in 2012. In 2013, one site only was added to the list. Last sum­mer, the Tiger mos­quito was roa­ming around the com­munes of Saint Martin d’Heres, Corenc, Eybens, Gieres, Meylan and Poisat. One off obser­va­tions in Grenoble still leave room for doubt.
Is the bug on the move ?
The mos­quito could spread even fur­ther over the sum­mer. According to the Rhône-Alpes anti-mos­quito asso­cia­tion, the lit­tle bug is gai­ning ter­ri­tory. “It’s too early to speak of an infes­ta­tion”, tem­pers Gilles Besnard, ento­mo­lo­gist at the Rhones Alpes EID, “but ever since it rea­ched the Mediterranean coast, the mos­quito made head­way see­ping into the coun­try.
courtesy of ARS

Sporadic reports of Tiger mos­qui­tos / Tiger mos­qui­tos iden­ti­fied and active © ARS

If it wasn’t for the pain­ful sting, Tiger mos­qui­tos are also suc­cess­ful bea­rers of poten­tially dan­ge­rous viruses, such as the dengue fever or the chi­kun­gu­nya, a lethal threat to already wea­ke­ned individuals.

9 cases of dengue fever in 2013

There was no report of any chi­kun­gu­nya in the Department in 2013, howe­ver, sur­veillance remains a high prio­rity. The disease infec­ted 200 000 people in the French Caribbean bet­ween 2005 and 2006, killing 93. The pro­pa­ga­tion conti­nues with 17 400 cases diag­no­sed, as repor­ted in natio­nal news­pa­per Le Monde.
The dengue virus is a grea­ter concern. Last year, the Rhône-Alpes office for health watch (CIRE) coun­ted 9 cases. All were impor­ted from infec­ted ter­ri­to­ries such as Martinique, Guadeloupe and Guyana, but no conta­mi­na­tion in France.
Today, the risk of mas­sive intro­duc­tion in France is increa­sed and favo­red by a dengue epi­de­mic in Brazil, with over 450 000 people conta­mi­na­ted and 106 killed since the begin­ning of 2014.

Dengue, Chikunkunya and Zika

Upon retur­ning home, could the 17 000 French soc­cer sup­por­ters be bea­ring the virus ? ** “We have expres­sed some concerns about a swift raise of the num­ber of cases” doc­tor Besnard confirms.
microscopic view of a female Tiger mosquito. DR

Microscopic view of a female Tiger mosquito

And there’s more ! Another virus cal­led Zika has emer­ged, also trans­mit­ted by the Tiger mos­quito, accor­ding to the Institute for Research and Development (IRD). Zika was iden­ti­fied in 55 000 cases in French Polynesia in 2013.
No treat­ment, no vaccine
What’s the course of action ? With no treat­ment or vac­cine in sight, we must all fight the bug in the face of a pos­sible epi­de­mic. Health autho­ri­ties conti­nue to spread the mes­sage among the popu­la­tion, lar­gely obli­vious to the risks.
Gilles Besnard, entomologist at the EID Rhones Alpes on campus, where he set up tiger mosquito traps. © Patricia Cerinsek

Gilles Besnard, ento­mo­lo­gist at the EID Rhones Alpes on cam­pus, where he set up Tiger mos­quito traps. © Patricia Cerinsek

Easy mea­sures can be applied. “We must eli­mi­nate any contai­ners where water could stag­nate for over a week”, says Gilles Besnard. The Tiger mos­quito lays its eggs in ditch water to repro­duce. At the Saint-Martin‑d’Heres ceme­tery, the com­mune pro­vi­ded sand to fill in all recep­tacles and avoid rising damp.
The legis­la­tion only demands that a refe­ree be desi­gna­ted. Will war­nings and indi­vi­dual efforts be enough ? Nothing can prevent a Tiger mos­quito from boar­ding a car and moving fur­ther. “We must think broa­der than the limits of the com­mune”, says the specialist.
Patricia Cerinsek
Translation by Cécile Boussier
* On May 1st 2014, Public Authorities acti­va­ted the defense sys­tem against the dis­se­mi­na­tion of the dengue fever and the chi­kun­gu­nya throu­ghout the coun­try, resul­ting in increa­sed ento­mo­lo­gic and epi­de­mio­lo­gic surveillance.
** The tiger mos­quito is the sole bea­rer of the virus. There’s no risk of conta­mi­na­tion by human beings.



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