Forum 5i Grenoble innovation

Forum 5i : zoom on connec­ted objects

Forum 5i : zoom on connec­ted objects

IN BRIEF – Organised jointly by the City of Grenoble and the Grenoble-Alpes Metropolitan area, the 5i Forum (ex 4i Forum) will focus on connec­ted objects this year. This mee­ting of inves­tors and inno­va­tive com­pa­nies will be held on 28th May, at the World Trade Center Conference Center in Grenoble.

Forum 5i Grenoble

Forum 5i Grenoble

‘i’ for “inclu­sion.” With this fifth “i”, Forum 4i, the big mee­ting of inves­tors and inno­va­tive com­pa­nies, becomes Forum 5i (inno­va­tion, indus­try, inclu­sion, invest­ment, inter­na­tio­nal). The objec­tive ? To put citi­zens at the heart of the inno­va­tion process.

Also new : with the trans­fer of the “eco­nomy” com­pe­tence at metro­po­li­tan scale, on 1st January, the Forum, pre­viously sup­por­ted by the City of Grenoble and the inno­va­tion sta­ke­hol­ders, will this year be co-hos­ted by both communities.

630 mil­lion euros rai­sed thanks to the Forum

For this 18th conven­tion, to be held on 28th May at the World Trade Center Conference Center in Grenoble, connec­ted objects will be the theme for the natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal inves­tors, start-up Alpine Arc com­pa­nies and crea­tors of inno­va­tive pro­jects. These intel­li­gent objects, connec­ted to the net by smart­phones, packed with sen­sors and over­flo­wing with tech­no­logy, have already chan­ged the situa­tion in areas such as hou­sing, health, urba­nism and sport. This mar­ket is expec­ted to gene­rate seve­ral bil­lion euros by 2020.

The forum is pri­ma­rily an oppor­tu­nity for pro­ject deve­lo­pers to trig­ger fun­drai­sing. Since its crea­tion, it has enabled start-ups to raise over 630 mil­lion euros, 215 busi­nesses to grow and crea­ted more than 3,000 jobs. But, this high­light of exchanges and infor­ma­tion in the field of inno­va­tion is also deve­lo­ping strong links bet­ween aca­de­mia, research and industry.

Le Forum 4i devient le forum 5i en 2015 - innovation Grenoble © Jacques-Marie Francillon

Forum 4i, the big mee­ting of inves­tors and inno­va­tive com­pa­nies, becomes Forum 5i. © Jacques-Marie Francillon

Three key events

For this 18th conven­tion, there are three key events to remem­ber, star­ting with the tech­no­logy show­case : an exhi­bi­tion by a dozen pro­jects from Rhône-Alpes research labo­ra­to­ries on connec­ted objects, with an over­view of the latest tech­no­lo­gi­cal innovations.

The second key event of Forum 5i is the round­table : “Connected objects, what are tomorrow’s chal­lenges?” Local, natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal people will be able to exchange views and talk about the tech­no­lo­gi­cal, eco­no­mic and social issues rela­ted to connec­ted objects.

Finally, Venture 5i will be the oppor­tu­nity for natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal inves­tors and inno­va­tive com­pa­nies from the Rhône-Alpes, Italy and Switzerland, in search of finance, to meet. At the end of the week, the “Jean-Michel Lamure 5i Trophy” will be given to the com­pany with the most inno­va­tive project.


Traduction from Speak English Center

Phone : +33 4 76 50 39 79

1 ave­nue du Vercors, 38600 Fontaine FRANCE



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