Le parasite de la toxoplasmose peut être responsable de maladies graves. Mais le mécanisme qu'il a mis au point pourrait ouvrir la voie à de nouveaux médicaments.

Toxoplasma gon­dii, a para­site full of… the­ra­peu­tic promises

Toxoplasma gon­dii, a para­site full of… the­ra­peu­tic promises

FOCUS – The toxo­plas­mo­sis para­site. Pregnant women know it well, because of the risks it brings to the foe­tus. Researchers from Grenoble too, as they have been stu­dying it for seve­ral years, and with good rea­son. Over mil­lions of years of evo­lu­tion, Toxoplasma gon­dii has deve­lo­ped the abi­lity to stop inflam­ma­tory reac­tion. A unique mecha­nism that opens the door to the deve­lop­ment of new drugs.

Toxoplasma gondii, le parasite de la toxoplasmose peut être responsable de maladies graves. Mais le mécanisme qu'il a mis au point pourrait ouvrir la voie à de nouveaux médicaments.

In red, the pro­tein secre­ted by Toxoplasma gon­dii in the nucleus of the infec­ted cell, where it will go to control the genes. ARR

The toxo­plas­mo­sis para­site is a tiny, and maybe fabu­lous, living being. Firstly, because, like any good para­site, it has the abi­lity to live and grow by hoo­king onto its host.

Secondly, due to mil­lions of years of evo­lu­tion, it has deve­lo­ped the abi­lity to sup­press or even stop inflammation.

A mecha­nism that has greatly inter­es­ted the resear­chers of the Institute for advan­ced bios­ciences (Inserm/CNRS/Grenoble Alpes University) and the CEA, for seve­ral years, wor­king to deci­pher Toxoplasma gon­dii ; their latest article was publi­shed in the Journal of expe­ri­men­tal medicine.

We find Toxoplasma gon­dii eve­ryw­here. In raw or under­coo­ked meat, in fruit and unwa­shed vege­tables and in cat lit­ter. It is esti­ma­ted that half of the French popu­la­tion is infested.

Toxoplasma gon­dii takes control of cells

If Toxoplasma gon­dii has a repu­ta­tion, it’s because not only is it the bane of non-immune pre­gnant women, who are at risk of foe­tal mal­for­ma­tions, or even stil­l­birth, but also patients whose immune sys­tem is wea­ke­ned or imma­ture. The para­site dis­plays an unmat­ched lon­ge­vity in the world of microor­ga­nisms ; the extra­or­di­nary abi­lity to survive.

“What we have here is a para­site, very adap­ted to its host, and it thrives well!”, high­lights Mohamed-Ali Hakimi, direc­tor of research at Inserm. “It’s a form of symbiotism.”

Le Dr Hakimi, directeur de recherche à l'INSERM, spécialiste de Toxoplasma gondii, parasite de la toxoplasmose.

Dr. Hakimi, direc­tor of research at Inserm. ARR

In fact, Toxoplama gon­dii has deve­lo­ped a unique and inge­nious stra­tegy, to take control of the cells.

“It causes tran­sient inflam­ma­tion, allo­wing the host cell to kill part of its popu­la­tion of para­sites”, says the resear­cher from Grenoble. “But, not all of them. Some will hide in other parts of the body and cause an anti-inflam­ma­tory reaction.”

Even though some viruses and bac­te­ria share the abi­lity of the para­sites to modu­late the infec­ted ani­mal’s immune sys­tem, the com­plexity with which Toxoplasma gon­dii plays on the defences of its host is immea­su­rable. Thus, it controls the pro-inflam­ma­tory immune sys­tem of the host in order to conti­nue its infec­tious cycle and take control… persistently.

It’s this anti-inflam­ma­tory reac­tion that the resear­chers are now see­king to repli­cate. Work for which the team has obtai­ned fun­ding from the European Research Council (ERC) to the tune of two mil­lion euros.

With luck, by copying the mecha­nism deve­lo­ped by Toxoplasma gon­dii, the deve­lop­ment of new drugs will be possible.

Patricia Cerinsek

Traduction from Speak English Center

Phone : +33 4 76 50 39 79

1 ave­nue du Vercors, 38600 Fontaine FRANCE



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