
Koolicar company launched the "Two months without my car" challenge which aims at making motorists less addicted to four wheels.

« Two months without my car » A hun­dred people in Grenoble take up the challenge

« Two months without my car » A hun­dred people in Grenoble take up the challenge

FOCUS – Two months without a car to test alter­na­tive modes of trans­port, such is the chal­lenge taken up by 100 people in Grenoble at the ini­tia­tive of the Koolicar com­pany, in part­ner­ship with the Maif, the Metro and the SMTC. An expe­rience that aims to make moto­rists less addic­ted to four wheels.

Traffic jam near La Porte de France in Grenoble. © Elodie Rummelhard -

Traffic jam near La Porte de France in Grenoble. © Elodie Rummelhard – pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

Never without my car ? Based in Versailles, this is Koolicar’s chal­lenge : to convince moto­rists to give up using their cars, in favour of cycling, using public trans­port and even using car sha­ring, for two months, as part of ope­ra­tion “without my car”, which takes place from 1st October to 3rd December, 2016, in Grenoble.

Car sha­ring, is Koolicar’s niche. Although the ope­ra­tion is to teach, it is not “anti-car”, but more a ques­tion of the need to use a per­so­nal vehicle. “We’re not saying that you should never use a car,” says Élisa Desgranges, head of the ope­ra­tion, “but to share vehicles and in so doing, to opti­mize their use, so that there is a mini­mum num­ber of vehicles on the roads of France.”

Travel free for two months

Last year, a “without my car” ope­ra­tion was orga­ni­zed in Bordeaux and Niort, in part­ner­ship with the Maif, which wai­ved the cost of vehicle insu­rance during the two months of immo­bi­li­za­tion ; a rene­wed part­ner­ship for 2016, but this time, in Dijon and Grenoble.

Dans les locaux de Métrovélo, les fameux cycles jaunes attendent les automobilistes repentis. © Florent Mathieu - Place Gre'net

Inside the pre­mises of Metrovelo, the famous yel­low bicycles wai­ting for repen­tant moto­rists. © Florent Mathieu – Place Gre’net

The Metro and the SMTC (Grenoble urban public trans­port autho­rity, en), also part­ners, will give the volun­teers free access to public trans­port during the two months of the ope­ra­tion, as well as the use of metro­ve­los. Participants will also be offe­red two months of free par­king for their vehicles in the Vallier-Catane car park, which is not negligible.

The goal ? To regis­ter “in a glo­bal mobi­lity chan­ging dyna­mic”, accor­ding to Élisa Desgranges, and also to col­lect feed­back from the people par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the ope­ra­tion, both during and after the two month period.

Everyday super­he­roes ?

To sup­port its mes­sage, Koolicar – not without humour – used the idea of the super­hero : is it heroic to live car-free, when you live in the city ? “We didn’t want to make people feel guilty, by saying it is wrong to take your car”, explai­ned the manager.

Une affiche héroïque, et volontairement kitsch pour l'opération « sans ma voiture »,. DR

A deli­be­ra­tely kitsch, heroic pos­ter. ARR

“The approach is to chal­lenge people to play the game and have fun. Of course, it is a lit­tle kit­schy, in the second degree, but playing on guilt is not the way to make people want to take part !

Guillaume, who lives in the Europole neigh­bo­rhood and works at Alpexpo, counts among the 100 people in Grenoble par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the “without my car” ope­ra­tion. “I did the jour­ney every day by car, on the main roads, and every mor­ning I hit the Rondeau traf­fic jams..”, admits the 26 year old from Grenoble, who is “envi­ron­men­tally sensitive.”

Even though he doesn’t feel like a super­hero, he notices the asto­nish­ment of his co-wor­kers, sur­pri­sed that he volun­tee­red to be depri­ved of his car for two months.

Volunteers from 18 to over 80 years of age

It was through social net­wor­king that he got wind of the ope­ra­tion and deci­ded to apply. Logically, it’s through Twitter that he shares his impres­sions. For now, he favours the metro­velo to get to work, but does not exclude taking public trans­port when the wea­ther becomes less clement.

Sur Twitter, Guillaume narre son aventure de nouveau cycliste en ville. DR

On Twitter, Guillaume nar­rates his new city cycling adven­ture. ARR

“The objec­tive”, pre­cises Guillaume, “is not to give up my car. I think that I’ll still need it from time to time. Really, the idea is to limit using it, as much as pos­sible, and to maxi­mize tra­vel­ling by bicycle, kee­ping the car for essen­tial jour­neys only.”

But, at the age of 26, and with no dependent family, wouldn’t it be easier to give up the car ? “We tried to encou­rage people with many dif­ferent pro­files,” says Élisa Desgranges, inclu­ding seve­ral fami­lies, some large, and people of dif­ferent ages, ran­ging from 18 to over 80. Koolicar had a dif­fi­cult choice, having recei­ved nearly 250 appli­ca­tions for 100 avai­lable places in Grenoble.

Will they sell their cars ?

Naturally, each volun­teer is free to put an end to the expe­rience and to reclaim their vehicle whe­ne­ver they wish. Will the good­will last into November ? Last year, only one per­son left the ope­ra­tion along the way, but for pro­fes­sio­nal reasons.

What about those who go all the way ? They can col­lect their car, or will be offe­red help if they decide to sell. Guillaume will not sell his car, but, after just a few days, is already thin­king about buying his own bike.

Florent Mathieu

Traduction from Speak English Center

Phone : +33 4 76 50 39 79

1 ave­nue du Vercors, 38600 Fontaine FRANCE



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