Robert Reed, porte-parole de la coopérative Recology. ©Alexandra Moullec

Meet Robert Reed, pio­neer of Zero Waste movement

Meet Robert Reed, pio­neer of Zero Waste movement

FOCUS – Zero Waste France non-pro­fit orga­ni­za­tion first fes­ti­val – aiming at deve­lo­ping a world without waste – took place in Paris from June 30 to July 2, 2016. Robert Reed, Zero Waste advo­cate all around the world and spo­kes­man of the US coope­ra­tive com­pany Recology is one the guests of honour of the fes­ti­val. Before going to Paris, he stop­ped by Grenoble to give a confe­rence at Grenoble Polytechnic Institute (INP) to present all the pro­grams imple­men­ted in San Francisco by Recology and meet people in Grenoble. Meeting.

Robert Reed, porte-parole de la coopérative Recology. ©Alexandra Moullec

Robert Reed, spo­kes­man of the employee-owned com­pany Recology. © Alexandra Moullec – pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

Around fifty people of all ages gathe­red Tuesday June 28th at Grenoble Polytechnic Institute (Grenoble INP) to attend a confe­rence-debate orga­ni­zed by Zero Waste Grenoble non-pro­fit orga­ni­za­tion and G‑SCOP Laboratory of Grenoble INP.

Robert Reed was the hono­red guest of an eve­ning of peda­gogy, but above all of interaction.

That for­mer jour­na­list spe­cia­li­zed in envi­ron­men­tal mat­ters who became the spo­kes­man of the coope­ra­tive com­pany Recolgy has been wor­king for twenty-three years to pro­mote a world without waste.

Robert Reed was a guest at the first edi­tion of Zero Waste France fes­ti­val taking place in Paris from June 30 to July 2, 2016 and he took advan­tage of his trip to France to stop by a few cities to pro­mote the Zero Waste approach and deve­lop the move­ment in Europe. An oppor­tu­nity to go over the Recology expe­riment, ini­tia­ted in San Francisco and all the emble­ma­tic pro­grams imple­men­ted by the com­pany over the years.The City by the Bay has become the zero waste bench­mark in the USA ads all over the world. Russia, Scotland, France, China… 62 coun­tries were repre­sen­ted at the event, to see all the work that has been done and to retrieve some ideas that could be imple­men­ted in their own country.


© Recology

© Recology

Created in 1921, Recology was for­merly a waste dis­po­sal com­pany and became a coope­ra­tive com­pany pro­vi­ding pro­grammes and ser­vices to limit waste pro­duc­tion of busi­nesses and citi­zens. Its motto : “Reduce, reuse, recycle”. Door-to-door waste col­lec­ting, com­post plat­form, awa­re­ness pro­grammes… the com­pany works with San Francisco which sup­ports part of its actions, the citi­zens contri­bute for the rest. 173 people work at Recology, they get health and wel­fare bene­fits, a pen­sion and earn 25 dol­lars an hour.


What are the rates of Recology’s col­lec­tion services ?

The typi­cal family in San Francisco pays 34 dol­lars a month for the ser­vice. We come four times a month and we col­lect all three contai­ners. It’s a lit­tle bit more than a dol­lar a day.

Poubelles à San Francisco. © Margo Moritz

San Francisco’s three bin sys­tem. © Margo Moritz

We sort the mate­rial into four­teen com­mo­di­ties and we sell the paper, the glass, the plas­tic, the alu­mi­num, the com­post … and all the reve­nue stream helps keep that cost rea­so­nable. The city regu­lates the pro­gram. Every month the city does accoun­ting to account the expenses, fuel, wages, insu­rance, uni­forms and then count all the revenues.

There’s a gap because the expenses are higher than the reve­nues and thirty four dol­lars per house, fills the gap. A black bin costs 25 dol­lars a month. The green bin is 4 dol­lars, and the blue bin is 4 dol­lars. If you only need the black bin picked up once a month you’ll be given an addi­tio­nal dis­count, this is the policy set by the city (« Pay as you throw »)

The more you throw, the more you pay. If you make a lot of gar­bage and you need big­ger contai­ners or you need us to come more often then you’re uti­li­zing more the ser­vice and you should pay a lit­tle bit more. At the same time, if you’re good, if you’re recy­cling a lot and redu­cing your waste, you pay less and so the fee struc­ture pro­vides both an envi­ron­men­tal and a finan­cial rea­son to be more envi­ron­men­tal and pro­duce less waste.

What rose your envi­ron­men­tal awareness ?

I wor­ked as a jour­na­list for ten years before I got into the recy­cling busi­ness and I wrote about the envi­ron­ment as a jour­na­list […] It really star­ted when I was a small boy in school.

Robert Reed, porte-parole de la coopérative Recology. © Margo Moritz

Robert Reed, porte-parole de la coopé­ra­tive Recology. © Margo Moritz

I ope­ned my his­tory book and I saw an illus­tra­tion of a Native per­son and they were dig­ging a hole in the ground with the heel of their foot and they put fish bones in the hole, small hole, and then they put a corn seed in the fish bones and they cove­red the fish bones with some dirt. The tea­cher asked why did that, why did that Native per­son put the fish bone in there with the corn seed. The ans­wer was because this per­son unders­tood that the fish bones would pro­vide nou­rish­ment to the corn seed and would grow a tal­ler stock of corn and they could har­vest more corn and make more bread.

And it was an epi­phany for me. It’s an impor­tant les­son that society has for­got­ten and so I am trying to help us remember.

Do you think people feel more concer­ned about envi­ron­men­tal matters ?

I think « Demain » is a very impor­tant movie that is repre­sen­ta­tive of a new move­ment which is to high­light solu­tions. People have heard all about a lot of the problems.

Demain, le film. DR

It is very dif­fi­cult to hear about the pro­blem on top of ano­ther pro­blem, envi­ron­men­tal pro­blem, higher tem­pe­ra­tures and mel­ting gla­ciers. It can be depres­sing and so a lot of young mili­tants and acti­vists unders­tand that this is the time when we need to share more infor­ma­tion about good solutions.

We just need more awa­re­ness, we need more people to know about them so that we can, as people, as a lar­ger popu­la­tion, demand these solu­tions to our govern­ments and get them imple­men­ted and start doing some­thing to slow down cli­mate change.

Interviewed by Alexandra Moullec

Solutions exist also in Grenoble



Zero Waste France non-pro­fit orga­ni­za­tion laun­ched the pro­cess in 2014. Zero Waste Grenoble non-pro­fit orga­ni­za­tion was crea­ted in January 2016 to demo­cra­tize the approach in Grenoble and its agglomeration.

Collective com­post boxes, ver­mi­com­post bins, worm givers for com­pos­ters web­site, Do it your­self work­shops… Grenoble and its agglo­me­ra­tion are not without ini­tia­tives to spur green habits.

In the fra­me­work of its com­mu­ni­ca­tion cam­paign cal­led “Moins jeter, la bonne idée” (Throw away less, the good sense), the Métro even laun­ched a Facebook page clas­si­fying all good ideas and best deals in Grenoble and around. In September, “La bonne pioche” (The right deck) – a gro­cery shop sel­ling local and orga­nic pro­ducts but above all bulk pro­ducts- will open its doors downtown.

Traduction from Speak English Center

Phone : +33 4 76 50 39 79

1 ave­nue du Vercors, 38600 Fontaine FRANCE



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