
Coming soon, the first Franco-Russian nano­sa­tel­lite, « made in Grenoble »

Coming soon, the first Franco-Russian nano­sa­tel­lite, « made in Grenoble »

FOCUS – “The phase zero review” of the construc­tion of the first nano­sa­tel­lite ‘made in Grenoble’ is approa­ching fast ! The Franco-Russian team has, in fact, already pre­sen­ted the pro­gress of the pro­ject to expe­rien­ced engi­neers in the field of space stu­dies. Mathieu Barthélémy, tea­cher and resear­cher at the Institute for Planetology and Astrophysics (Ipag) and Director of the space centre at the Grenoble uni­ver­sity (CSUG), unveils the Grenoble tra­de­mark ele­ments in spa­tial stu­dies and advances of research on the nanosatellites.


A nanosatellite in orbit

A nano­sa­tel­lite in orbit (Illustration). DR

Nanosatellite deve­lop­ment began at the end of the 1990s. “Initially, they were satel­lites meant for edu­ca­tio­nal pur­poses”, said Mathieu Barthélémy. “But, for the last four or five years, scien­tists and manu­fac­tu­rers have begun to rea­lize the dif­ferent appli­ca­tions pos­sible in the deve­lop­ment of tech­no­logy or in their ori­gi­nal observations.”

The term ‘nano­sa­tel­lite’ is not yet clearly defi­ned : accor­ding to defi­ni­tions, it can be a satel­lite wei­ghing less than 50 kilo­grams, some­times less than 30, or even less than 10 kg. One thing is cer­tain : the stan­dar­di­za­tion of for­mats and the dif­ferent com­po­nents of the nano­sa­tel­lites dif­fer from those of their big bro­thers. The result ? Lower costs and the abi­lity to per­form more recur­ring missions.

“When spea­king of nano­sa­tel­lites, we use the term ‘unit’, more spe­ci­fi­cally ‘CubeSat’, a very stan­dar­di­zed type of satel­lite. These are cubes with a dimen­sion of 10 × 10 × 10 cm, a volume of one litre and a weight of one kilo­gram. Electrical power consump­tion is about 1 Watt. There are 6U or 12U CubeSats : lar­ger satel­lites, consis­ting of seve­ral units”, says Mathieu Barthélémy, adding with a smile : “CubeSat units fit toge­ther almost like Lego, although they are far more complicated!”


Mathieu Barthélémy, tea­cher and resear­cher at the Institute for Planetology and Astrophysics (Ipag) and Director of the space centre at the Grenoble uni­ver­sity (CSUG). © Yuliya Ruzhechka – www​.pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

What will the first CSUG satel­lite be ?

We are crea­ting the first nano­sa­tel­lite in col­la­bo­ra­tion with Russian stu­dents from the National University of elec­tro­nic tech­no­logy research (MIET) of Zelenograd. There are two options for this pro­ject : either a CubeSat in six units, or a nano­sa­tel­lite – a lit­tle dif­ferent and a lit­tle big­ger. The main objec­tive ? This satel­lite will study light emis­sions, very high up in the atmos­phere, at bet­ween 100 and 300 km of alti­tude. In low alti­tude zones over France, for example, known as the air­glow (night sky light), then at high alti­tudes near the poles, where the emis­sions are more intense : these are known as the Northern Lights.

What are the other pos­sible uses of nano­sa­tel­lites, beyond space weather ?

Their uses are extre­mely diverse. The nano­sa­tel­lite can be used to make obser­va­tions of the Earth, for example, snow or forest cove­rage. Alternatively, these small satel­lites could be used in tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Researchers are also reflec­ting upon the use of nano­sa­tel­lite constel­la­tions in the scope of the Internet. For now, it’s not the order of the pro­ject, but why not ! Currently, we use nano­sa­tel­lites for demons­tra­tions and tech­no­lo­gi­cal tests in order to advance the research.

Miniaturized instrumentation embedded in a satcub. DR

Miniaturized ins­tru­men­ta­tion embed­ded in a sat­cub. DR

In the long-term, will nano­sa­tel­lites be able to replace large satellites ?

I don’t think that they will replace large satel­lites ; they will be com­ple­men­tary to the nano­sa­tel­lites. Launching one 100-mil­lion-euro satel­lite, or 50 2‑mil­lion-euro satel­lites, will not give the same result. With large satel­lites, the obser­va­tions are extre­mely accu­rate. With nano­sa­tel­lites, the obser­va­tions are pro­ba­bly a lit­tle less pre­cise, but can be dis­tri­bu­ted more widely.

Are there any par­ti­cu­la­ri­ties from Grenoble in the field of nanosatellites ?

Grenoble has quite an inter­es­ting posi­tion : it is a major force in the deve­lop­ment of nano­tech­no­logy. The Grenoble bran­ding is the minia­tu­ri­za­tion of space ins­tru­ments, which will enable the most accu­rate pos­sible space-based obser­va­tions. These two points will create the image and strength of the CSUG

A nanosatellite in orbit (illustration). © SkyFi

A nano­sa­tel­lite in orbit (illus­tra­tion). © SkyFi

Does the pre­sence of constel­la­tions of satel­lites above the Earth consti­tute a danger ?

The main dan­ger is the pos­si­bi­lity of col­li­sion bet­ween satel­lites. It is a situa­tion com­pa­rable to road traf­fic. The ques­tion of the dimen­sion of the orbits is very impor­tant. We must com­ply with laws on space ope­ra­tions, as defi­ned by the United Nations. For example, a satel­lite must fall in less than twenty-five years. When small satel­lites fall back into the atmos­phere, they must burn completely.

Before laun­ching a satel­lite, we must be able to gua­ran­tee that even the lar­gest com­ponent that could pos­si­bly fall, will not damage anyone or anything.

Is there a dif­fe­rence in the treat­ment of data col­lec­ted by the nano­sa­tel­lites and large satellites ?

One of the dif­fi­cul­ties with the nano­sa­tel­lites lies in the fact that they are scat­te­red. These are spe­ci­fic dif­fi­cul­ties in the constel­la­tions of satel­lites, whose ele­ments must be inter-cali­bra­ted, so that each of the satel­lites give the same mea­su­re­ments. For satel­lites that are deve­lo­ped fas­ter and are the­re­fore, tes­ted less, there is a risk of less pre­cise mea­su­re­ments. At the CSUG, we try to not to reduce the pro­duc­tion time, in order to be able to test them, and retain the qua­lity of extre­mely pre­cise measurements.

What do you think of the popu­la­ri­za­tion of science through popu­lar culture, for example, the series The Big Bang Theory ?

It’s inter­es­ting, because this could bring us future stu­dents (smile). But, in Tintin, long ago, as in The Big Bang Theory today, there are a lot of stu­pid things said. Therefore, be care­ful ! In mecha­nics courses, I have made silly remarks, for example, from Tintin. As a tea­cher, I must put things back in place.

Yuliya Ruzhechka

Traduction from Speak English Center

Phone : +33 4 76 50 39 79

1 ave­nue du Vercors, 38600 Fontaine FRANCE



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