
Les futurs cheminements du Réseau Express à Vélos de la Métropole grenobloise ressembleront probablement à cette partie de piste cyclable, située devant l'hôtel de la Ville de Grenoble. Cycle highways © Séverine Cattiaux -

Cycle high­ways : the net­works of anger

Cycle high­ways : the net­works of anger

DECRYPTION – “Uproar” in terms of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, the “cycle high­ways” have unlea­shed pas­sions in Grenoble. As for the high­ways, the plan is to put an “express cycle net­work” in place, which isn’t an easy task. Feedback on a pro­ject that cer­tainly leaves no-one indifferent.

Christophe Ferrari, president of the Grenoble metropolitan area (PS). © Paul Turenne -

Christophe Ferrari, pre­sident of the Grenoble metro­po­li­tan area (PS). © Paul Turenne – pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

« We should no lon­ger speak of “cycle high­ways!”  » Christophe Ferrari, pre­sident of the Grenoble metro­po­li­tan area (PS), was keen to make the point, him­self. « This “word-ram” is sub­ject to confu­sion, as well as incor­rect atti­tudes … [see box below, editor’s note] We should now speak of express cycle net­works ! » Networks that have ulti­ma­tely nothing in com­mon with highways…

So, what is it all about ? « To offer long-dis­tance cycle routes, beyond the city centre, into the neigh­bou­ring areas […]

« These struc­tu­red axes will be in secure dedi­ca­ted areas, on which a stream of bikes will be able to ride at a speed of 20 km/h, with condi­tions com­pa­rable to those of public trans­port », the pre­sident explai­ned to jour­na­lists, on 5th November.

To per­ma­nently end the expres­sion “high­ways”, Christophe Ferrari drives the point : « The idea is to enable both cyclists and moto­rists to tra­vel safely […] Bikes will not mono­po­lise the roads ! […] Nowadays, we are into area spe­cia­li­za­tion. » That being said, many ques­tions remain…

“A 4‑metre-wide network”

Between April and June, 2015, a cycle consul­ta­tion com­mit­tee*, set up by Metropolitan Grenoble, met three times. It pre­sen­ted its conclu­sions to the metro­po­lis mobi­lity com­mis­sion on 9th October.

Provisional draft of Grenoble's Express Cycle Network. (click on the map to enlarge) © La Métro

Provisional draft of Grenoble’s Express Cycle Network. (click on the map to enlarge) © La Métro

What is the fruit of this reflec­tion ? The pro­po­sed express cycle net­work, consis­ting of four axes :

• A 16 km route lin­king Vizille to Grenoble

• A 14 km route lin­king Saint-Égrève to Saint-Martin‑d’Hères

• A 12 km east-west axis lin­king Fontaine with Inovallée

• A 5 km north-south axis lin­king Eybens with Grenoble.

The com­mit­tee also issued pro­po­sals for the size of the cycle lanes : they will be bidi­rec­tio­nal, a maxi­mum of 4m wide, and secure. « There must be enough room for a cyclist to over­take two bikes riding side-by-side », com­ments Philippe Zanolla, host of the cycle/pedestrian com­mit­tee at the ADTC, who par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the cycle consul­ta­tion committee.

Will the express cycle areas be exclu­si­vely for bikes (exclu­si­vely dedi­ca­ted to cycling)? « If we want to achieve the objec­tive of moving at an ave­rage speed of 20 km/h, this seems obvious », conti­nues the host of the ADTC.
We ima­gine that in some places the coexis­tence of pedes­trians, buses, trams, cars and the express cycle net­work will be com­plex to implement.

The future cycle lanes of the Express Cycle Network in Grenoble resemble this section of the cycle lane, in front of the Grenoble town hall. © Séverine Cattiaux -

The future cycle lanes of the Express Cycle Network in Grenoble resemble this sec­tion of the cycle lane, in front of the Grenoble town hall. © Séverine Cattiaux – pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

It is cer­tain that the traf­fic will lose some road space to cyclists, but « in a way that aims to include, rather than exclude », insists the pre­sident of the metropolis.

Philippe Zanolla, host of the cycle/pedestrian committee at the ADTC. © Séverine Cattiaux -

Philippe Zanolla, host of the cycle/pedestrian com­mit­tee at the ADTC. © Séverine Cattiaux – pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

A concrete example that will concern eve­ryone : « One conse­quence of the express cycle net­work on bou­le­vard Agutte Sembat, will be the clo­sure of one of the two car lanes », indi­cates Philippe Zanolla, which is bet­ter than no traf­fic cir­cu­la­tion at all, as some thought…

At the end of the day, the ADTC intends to ensure that the future metro­po­li­tan Express Cycle Network is built fol­lo­wing the stric­test regu­la­tions : « At all inter­sec­tions, it would also be desi­rable that the express lanes are equip­ped with detec­tors, so that bicycles take pre­ce­dence over moto­rists, like they do in nor­thern coun­tries ! »

Is the dis­cord really over ?

The concept of cycle high­ways has been clea­red by the pre­sident of the metro­po­lis, the pro­ject conti­nues… Some, par­ti­cu­larly tra­ders, are eager to have their say. But, it’s not for now ; they will need to be patient.

Yann Mongaburu, the environmentalist president of the SMTC, being interviewed on the terrace of Café de la table ronde in Grenoble. © Paul Turenne -

Yann Mongaburu © P.Turenne

This is what Christophe Ferrari sug­gests : « There is still some fine tuning to be done. The ope­ra­tio­nal imple­men­ta­tion will depend on the situa­tion and be car­ried out in consul­ta­tion with local resi­dents and tra­ders… »

It’s the same story from Yann Mongaburu, vice pre­sident for tra­vel in the metro­pole (EELV), invi­ted on Cape Info, TéléGrenoble, on Monday 2nd November :

« Once the fea­si­bi­lity stu­dies have been com­ple­ted, we will enter into a consul­ta­tion phase with local resi­dents and tra­ders, to work out the fine details of the pro­ject, which must be consistent with a pro­ject for urban com­mer­cial revi­ta­li­za­tion and qua­lity of life… The work is only just begin­ning.

Another point of view : that of Jérôme Safar, muni­ci­pal coun­cil­lor of the oppo­si­tion (PS). According to him, the city must take up the issue imme­dia­tely : « The metro­po­lis works at its own pace. If there were misun­ders­tan­dings, Grenoble is 100% res­pon­sible ! It is up to the elec­ted offi­cials from both the city centre, and the other com­mu­ni­ties, to ensure proxi­mity and infor­ma­tion concer­ning the cycle high­ways, and in gene­ral, any other type of file sup­por­ted by the metro­po­lis ! »

Séverine Cattiaux

* Composition of the cycle consul­ta­tion com­mit­tee : Metro ser­vices, 7 ran­domly picked Métrovélo sub­scri­bers, 6 metro­po­li­tan offi­cials, inclu­ding Yann Mongaburu, Lucile Lheureux and Richard Cazenave, 9 cycling asso­cia­tion mem­bers and sta­ke­hol­ders and 7 mem­bers of the resi­dents” associations.


Why create an express cycle net­work ? Is there an indis­cri­mi­nate love of cycling in Grenoble ? Or is it just the wacky idea of the “Grenoble labo­ra­tory”, as the local FN lea­der tends to believe ?

Vélorution in Grenoble. © Joël Kermabon -

Vélorution in Grenoble. © Joël Kermabon – pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

It is clear that cycling is beco­ming more com­mon in all major cities in Europe and in France. Travelling by bicycle is the aspi­ra­tion of the people, as well as a sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment in move­ment around the city. Paris is wor­king on its express cycle net­work (REVe), as are Bordeaux, Toulouse et and Strasbourg (Vélostras). It’s not sur­pri­sing that Grenoble is joi­ning the cycling evo­lu­tion… « Between 2002 and 2010, the modal share of cycling has increa­sed by 40% in the Grenoble area », says the pre­sident of the metropolis.

In addi­tion to main­tai­ning good health, cycling is a free form of trans­port – an impor­tant argu­ment in times of cri­sis. Finally, the third chal­lenge for cities inclu­ding Grenoble : the fight against air pol­lu­tion. By 2020, Grenoble aims to triple the num­ber of jour­neys by bicycle, that’s 220,000 trips by bike per day.

Traduction from Speak English Center

Phone : +33 4 76 50 39 79

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