Interieur de l'espace de travail partagé Cowork in Grenoble avec Le Phare, accélérateur de startups visant à faire émerger de jeunes pousses du numérique

Digital start-up com­pa­nies : hea­ding for Le Phare !

Digital start-up com­pa­nies : hea­ding for Le Phare !

FOCUS – In Grenoble, two pas­sio­nate entre­pre­neurs have just laun­ched a start-up boos­ter, named Le Phare, within the sha­red works­pace Cowork. The objec­tive ? To guide and contri­bute to the crea­tion of small com­pa­nies with pro­mi­sing growth in the digi­tal industry.

Devanture de l'espace de travail partagé Cowork in Grenoble avec Le Phare, accélérateur de startups visant à faire émerger de jeunes pousses du numérique

© Nils Louna / pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

« Who doesn’t inno­vate isn’t from Grenoble ! ». Mathieu Genty has adop­ted this slo­gan for his com­pany Cowork in Grenoble. A place at 12 rue Servan, which com­bines a sha­red works­pace of exchange and a start-up booster.
« We star­ted from a simple obser­va­tion, explains Jonathan Bonzy, resident entre­pre­neur in this cowor­king space and co-foun­der of Le Phare : a non-tech­no­lo­gi­cal start-up will struggle to find ade­quate assis­tance in Grenoble. However, there is already an eco-sys­tem that vali­dates ideas, finds skills and finances the boo­ting. »
Hence the desire to create a place that enables these young fled­gling entre­pre­neurs to refine their ideas during three months with a team of experts, before facing the mar­ket to raise funds and then, move up a gear in their development.
About thirty men­tors, all experts in the busi­ness world, have already agreed to give advice and share their expe­riences and their net­work of contacts with the young entrepreneurs.
Interieur de l'espace de travail partagé Cowork in Grenoble avec Le Phare, accélérateur de startups visant à faire émerger de jeunes pousses du numérique

© Nils Louna / pla​ce​gre​net​.fr

A thou­sand clients in a hun­dred days
« The idea is to go very fast with a tar­get of a thou­sand clients in a hun­dred days. Thus making sure that when the start-up is facing the inves­tor, it already has the « trac­tion » (edi­tor’s note : caæ­pa­city of a start-up, a pro­duct or a ser­vice to attract its first clients, to draw publi­city and convince more and more users) », spe­ci­fies Jonathan Bonzy.
A way to reas­sure inves­tors and make them dream at the same time with a dyna­mic pro­ject. « Start-up funds that will come on the intro­duc­tion day could invest up to 200,000 EUR, kno­wing that they will be intro­du­ced to the best digi­tal pro­mo­tion in Grenoble. »
From its part, Le Phare has plan­ned to remu­ne­rate up to 5 % of the amounts rai­sed and by taking 1 % of the shares in each crea­ted com­pany. « The idea is not to take an impor­tant part of the capi­tal but to be able to finance the assis­tance and the trai­ning of the fol­lo­wing pro­mo­tions of the Phare with the help of experts. All this should take place and boost their growth at the same time. »
For the time being, the Phare is still acti­vely loo­king for start-ups to com­plete its first pro­mo­tion. So, young entre­pre­neurs in pro­gress can take note. Or people who know one start-up : « Any per­son who will recom­mend us a start-up, which will regis­ter at Le Phare, will get a remu­ne­ra­tion of 1 % of the amount raised. »
If you are inter­es­ted, please contact Le Phare via their contact form.
Paul Turenne
Translation by Sandra Bailly, Translator / Desktop Publishing specialist 
Phone : +33 (0)6 95 87 15 27 – email : sandra.bailly79 [at] gmail​.com



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