
The UMP Primaries : Traffic Jams in Grenoble

The UMP Primaries : Traffic Jams in Grenoble

On Wednesday, five oppo­si­tion can­di­dates will dis­cuss Grenoble’s traf­fic issues at the Chaufferie where the third public mee­ting for the local UMP pri­mary will be held. This pri­mary will deter­mine the UMP can­di­date for Grenoble’s mayo­ral elec­tion next March. Place Gre’net brings you a detai­led info­gra­phic visua­li­za­tion of the stakes at hand in Grenoble’s ever-gro­wing traf­fic dilemma.
Commuting, par­king and pol­lu­tion are key issues for the region’s work­force that must tra­vel through the conglo­me­ra­tion during rush hour. Place Gre’net high­lights some key data to go along with our info­gra­phic presentation.
Rush hour in Grenoble trans­lates to 40,000 com­mu­ters dri­ving into the city and 20,000 city dwel­lers dri­ving out. Workers dri­ving from the Grésivaudan, the Voironnais and the Sud Grenoblois count for more than 15% of the conglo­me­ra­tion’s traf­fic. Adding to the com­mu­ters” ordeal, par­king in the city is a chal­lenge in and of itself.
The time spent par­king or sit­ting in bot­tle­necks is in part res­pon­sible for the city’s spikes in air pol­lu­tion. Spikes that have become so recur­rent they are some­times per­cei­ved to be a neces­sary evil for the eco­no­mic live­li­hood of the city.
Grenoble’s geo­gra­phi­cal constraints and urban plan­ning make it dif­fi­cult to solve rush hour bot­tle­necks by reor­ga­ni­zing the city’s major roads.
The orga­ni­zers of the UMP pri­mary have asked the can­di­dates how they plan to deal with this « traf­fic para­ly­sis. » This Wednesday eve­ning, the five can­di­dates will give their ans­wers to the resi­dents of Grenoble.
The more expe­rien­ced nego­tia­tors lean towards large scale pro­jects that go beyond the scope of local autho­ri­ties, while the youn­gest can­di­dates pro­pose solu­tions that focus on going green and chan­ging com­mu­ters’ methods of loco­mo­tion. The can­di­dates have agreed that no mat­ter the out­come of the pri­mary, all conten­ders will be on the UMP ticket and cam­paign toge­ther on these pro­po­sed solutions.
Victor Guilbert
Translation by Jeremy Burns-Rupp



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