“Do It Yourself” Exhibition at the Fab Lab

“Do It Yourself” Exhibition at the Fab Lab

Jean-Michel Molenaar

Jean-Michel Molenaar

On May 17th, Grenoble’s Fab Lab work­shop will open its « Do It Yourself » exhi­bi­tion aimed at demo­cra­ti­zing the DIY trend. The exhi­bit will show­case objects crea­ted by local Rhône-Alpes residents.
To start the exhi­bit, a call for pri­vate sub­mis­sions was laun­ched to incite citi­zens to send in objects they had crea­ted. The work­shop recei­ved approxi­ma­tely 30 sub­mis­sions from across the country.
“A jury com­po­sed of desi­gners as well as CCSTI, uni­ver­sity and CEA mem­bers chose the seven most ori­gi­nal pro­jects, » said Ludovic Maggioni, head of exhi­bi­tions at the Casemate and the Fab Lab.
The results were quite sur­pri­sing for a first exhi­bit. Among the objects on dis­play, visi­tors will dis­co­ver her­mit crab shells prin­ted with a 3D prin­ter, gar­bage bins that trans­form into musi­cal ins­tru­ments, and a solar-powe­red oven.
« The goal is to show that it is pos­sible to have fun, » said Maggioni, “and to fabri­cate sur­pri­sing crea­tions with tools such as digi­tal prin­ters and with very lit­tle tech­ni­cal knowledge. »
The exhi­bit is desi­gned to help unlock the gene­ral public’s crea­tive poten­tial, and spruce up the image of science and manu­fac­tu­ring. As head of the Fab Lab pro­ject, Jean-Michel Molenaar explai­ned : « One of today’s issues is that we tell chil­dren not to fol­low tech­ni­cal courses. So we are trying to demons­trate all the things we can create by ourselves ! »
A sci-fi world ?
The Fab Lab ope­ned in March 2012 as a venue for exchan­ging ideas and crea­ting objects, in par­ti­cu­lar with digi­tally control­led machines. Scientists, stu­dents, indi­vi­duals and fami­lies all come toge­ther in this modern day work­shop to col­la­bo­rate on and use lamps, chairs, tables and other crea­tions. « We offer around six work­shops per month where people can create an object or a pro­ject from A to Z. Projects range, for example, from a lamp to a set of mini loud­spea­kers, » said Molenaar.
Thus, without any pre-requi­sites, any­body may enter the Fab Lab and dis­co­ver the rules of mathe­ma­tics and phy­sics. With the help of an advi­sor, visi­tors can create and take home their own table lamp in two and a half hours.
« People often tell us the work­shop reminds them of science fic­tion, » said Molenaar. « They never thought they could create such objects ! »
This might indi­cate a trend towards the reap­pro­pria­tion of manu­fac­tu­ring methods as the last few years have seen Fab Labs spring up all around the globe, be it in Europe, the United States, Africa, Costa Rica, or even Afghanistan.
Following the phi­lo­so­phy of open-source soft­ware, these work­shops are beco­ming inter­con­nec­ted and col­la­bo­ra­tive. Some labs exchange manu­fac­tu­ring guides in order to build on each other’s work. At the Fab Lab in Grenoble, a web­cam keeps a constant link to other inter­con­nec­ted Fab Labs in England, Norway and the United States.
Marie Lyan
Translation by Jeremy Burns-Rupp

Place Gre'net


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