Parvis de Grenoble école de management qui vient de nouer une alliance avec EM Lyon. © Joël Kermabon - Place Gre'net

Alliance at the Summit for EM Lyon and Grenoble School of management

Alliance at the Summit for EM Lyon and Grenoble School of management

FOCUS – Grenoble School of mana­ge­ment (Gem) and EM Lyon Business School announ­ced their alliance, at the end of March. Even though it isn’t a mer­ger, the crea­tion of the Lyon-Grenoble Business School Alliance should lead to pro­found changes, as well as making this new entity a major player at natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal level. 

In front of the Grenoble School of management. © Joël Kermabon - Place Gre'net

In front of the Grenoble School of mana­ge­ment. © Joël Kermabon – Place Gre’net

“The strength of our two schools is such that, if we com­bine them, we obtain the best French school results”, says Loïck Roche, Director of the Grenoble School of mana­ge­ment.

He adds : “It’s an alliance, it is not a mer­ger. The idea is to find ways to fur­ther improve what we both do on our own already, and to find how to do new things toge­ther that we can­not do alone.” An alliance accor­ding to ter­ri­to­rial and aca­de­mic logic, which knows how to dis­re­gard the com­pe­ti­tion bet­ween these two schools.

“Our schools will be a sup­port for the deve­lop­ment of the region”, says Loïck Roche. Wanted by Rhône-Alpes busi­nesses. The main objec­tive is to res­tore value to the ter­ri­tory, both eco­no­mic and aca­de­mic, by poo­ling forces in a pro­gres­sive manner.

Research and com­mon inno­va­tion strategy

What is inter­es­ting for the stu­dents ? Firstly, the course content spe­cia­li­za­tion, which will build on the areas of choice for each of the schools. According to what stu­dents are loo­king for, the orien­ta­tion of a spe­cia­li­za­tion in inno­va­tion will be in Grenoble, or for an entre­pre­neu­rial spe­cia­li­za­tion, it will be in Lyon.

Loïck Roche, Director of the Grenoble School of Management

Loïck Roche, Director of the Grenoble School of Management.

The second advan­tage : aca­de­mic deve­lop­ment. The direc­tors intend to orga­nise a joint research and inno­va­tion stra­tegy, which will consist of the crea­tion of an Innovation-entre­pre­neur­ship Foundation. Effective from September, 2016, the joi­ning of these two schools should see the crea­tion a tea­ching staff made up of 200 per­ma­nent employees, able to accom­mo­date 10,000 stu­dents in ini­tial training.

Another high­light of these changes : the trai­ning pro­grams. “It has not yet been deci­ded, but the two schools might deve­lop pro­grams toge­ther, rather than deve­lop them indi­vi­dually. We will streng­then a cer­tain num­ber, espe­cially in the MBA pro­grammes [Master in busi­ness admi­nis­tra­tion, Editor’s note], as well as the Bachelors pro­gram, for the most part. Perhaps, we will create a com­mon MBA for top mana­ge­ment. In the future, maybe we will add other pro­grams into this alliance, in order to acce­le­rate their growth.”

The eco­no­mic plan ? The major change is the offer of conti­nuing edu­ca­tion, which will be deve­lo­ped in Grenoble. But not only that ; the Lyon Business School and the Grenoble School of mana­ge­ment also plan to offer busi­ness advice to companies.

“An extre­mely impor­tant strike force”

With nearly 120 mil­lion euros added to the bud­get, there is no doubt that the Lyon – Grenoble Business School Alliance will weigh hea­vily in the midst of the grandes écoles. It will increase its visi­bi­lity, after the recent mer­ger of Sup de Co Lille and Nice (Skema), and that of the European Institut d’Administration des affaires (Insead) and Wharton.

“By adding to our resources, we will have an extre­mely impor­tant strike force, with more money. We will thus create a faculty that will com­pete with the best, such as HEC [École des hautes études com­mer­ciales in Paris, Editor’s note]; we’ll be almost on par with them”, wel­comes Loïck Roche.

By 2021, the Alliance hopes to attract some 14,000 stu­dents and 250 tea­chers, with a bud­get at the height of their expec­ta­tions : EUR 180 million.

Cassandre Jalliffier

Grenoble Ecole de Management

The Grenoble School of Management ran­ked twen­tieth of European busi­ness schools. © Gem


Gem and EM Lyon play in the same league : same num­ber of stu­dents (5,000) and tea­chers, equi­va­lent bud­get (approxi­ma­tely EUR 50,000).

According to the top-ran­king list, Gem is ran­ked ninth, and EM Lyon fourth, in the table of the best French busi­ness schools. At European level, Grenoble occu­pies the 20th posi­tion, nine places ahead of the Lyon school.

Furthermore, Grenoble and Lyon are two of thir­teen French busi­ness schools, which have triple accre­di­ta­tion : AACSB (Association to Advance col­le­giate schools of busi­ness), Equis (European qua­lity impro­ve­ment sys­tem) and AMBA (Association of mas­ters of busi­ness admi­nis­tra­tion). These accre­di­ta­tions meet highly selec­tive and rigo­rous cri­te­ria regar­ding trai­ning courses and programs.

Traduction from Speak English Center

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